
Bronica sq ps-b lens
Bronica sq ps-b lens

#Bronica sq ps b lens series#

Generally the S series will only be available used, and cost a lot less. The SQ-B will work with all the SQ-A lenses (both the PS and the S series). For some people they worry about camera shake when sliding the lever back to the A position, however in practice you first cover the lens with a hat or a lens cap, then move the lever. When the exposure is done (you time it) you must slide the lever back to the A position. Setup your shot and click the shutter release on the body. Set the shutter speed on ANY speed you wish, does not matter as the body cannot close the shutter any more. As as far as I know, this is the only lens that does not have this leverl.Ģ) The T lever on the lens is operated as follows: 1 Unscrew the "safty" screw so that the lever will move. The SQ-B lens is unique in that it does not have the T lever on it. I have the SQ-B and can speak for what it has.ġ) The shutter is electronically controlled by the body to 8 seconds and all the way up to 1/500th. Have been SQ-A and SQ-Ai, and I guess there are reasons for Still, I imagine that the vast majority of "modern" 6圆 Bronicas

bronica sq ps-b lens

Inįact I have a metered prism for my SQ-Ai's, but I use it solely asĪ sense-check on my calculations from my spotmeter. Of people, myself included, prefer things that way not leastīecause having decoupled the task of exposure measurement IĬan use exactly the same process with other cameras too. There are chunks of circuitry missing toĪll that said, life with a hand-held meter isn't so bad. The SQ-B is a "cut down " SQ-Ai to fit a price-point and there haveīeen steps taken to ensure that you can't buy the cheap one then

bronica sq ps-b lens

Unmetered prisms you can buy to permit eye-level operation. You can attach a prism to act as a viewfinder, but any Never, ever, want to use a metered prism to give you in- camera You can cope with the long exposure issue and that you will Cutting to the chase, the SQ-B is fine as long as you're sure that

Bronica sq ps-b lens